Want to be a HAM?
Steps to become a HAM (Amateur Radio Operator)
Becoming an Amateur Radio Operator is not a hard task for most people...Some easier than others. Morse Code is no longer needed to go from a Technician Class licensee all the way to the top to Extra Class.
In my opinion www.qrz.com is am awesome place to start your training. This website has a wealth of information pertaining to the Amateur Radio hobby to include practice tests for Technician class, General class, and Extra class licensee candidates.
Get a Study Guide
Although www.QRZ.Com is a great place to start, I highly recommend obtaining the newest version of the study guide for the test you intend to take.
There are study guides published by Gordon West, located on the W5YI website (http://www.w5yi.org/catalog.php?sort=4) and
ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Order study guide from ARRL...
Everyone today has a phone...use it to study. Download from the app Store!!!
- Ham Study (Free) Hamstudy.org
- Ham Radio Prep (Free trial then pay)
- https://www.hamradiolicenseexam.com/
Take the Test!!!
When you think you are ready for the test, find a test session close to your local area. The Fee for an ARRL Sponsored test is $14. Click here to find an ARRL test session: http://www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml
With the pandemic causing chaos now there is online testing available. I will list the sites as they I find them because there are more coming online every day.
- https://hamonlinetests.com/
- https://kl7aa.org/vec/remote-testing/
- https://hamstudy.org/sessions/remote
A good indicator as to your readiness for the test is take practice tests on QRZ.com. If you are scoring in the mid 80% you are probably ready. Now just do it!!!
Get a Radio....
The million dollar question... How much is a radio??? I can't answer that. It all depends on what you want it to do. Personally I am hooked on Kenwood and APRS so I prefer the Kenwood D700A. I love this radio.
Other factors also come into play: do I want a mobile, base or one radio that can perform both functions,If so you will also need a power supply for in the house; Do I plan to upgrade rapidly to enjoy HF communications, If so you will need a radio that is all band and all mode.
Are you short funds to purchase a radio right away? Do you have a PC? Check out www.Echolink.org a good alternative for beginners. Trust me, I never have enough money for my plans.