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Digital Radio Info (Pi-Star, DMR, YSF)

The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. Read thru all the setup links and watch the videos. They are not in any order. Someday I will get time to reorder the info.

This is my configuration for using Brandmiester, TGIF, and FreeDMR Networks on one pi-star hotspot.

A great video to show you how to use DMR on a Yaesu FT-991A... aka YSF2DMR on your pi-star hotspot.

You must watch the entire video. This is a complete guide to setup a Jumbo Spot, MMDVM, or pi-star hotspot. This focuses on setting the hotspot for DMR only. To setup for ysf or d-star you will have to make mode specific settings. 

Follow this video to setup multiple dmr networks on your hotspot.  If you want Brandmiester,  TGIF and FreeDMR I have a link above that you can copy the code from. This is my complete code. You will only need to copy [DMR 4] and [DMR 5] sections. W1MSG also has the code listed below the video for TGIF.

This link takes you to my software page which shows all the software I use to do FT8 and other digital modes. There are links that have screenshots to show you how to set it all up together so JTDX talks to gridtracker which talks to Log4OM and ACLog.

If you are building a new pi-star hotspot or your sd card becomes corrupt you will need to "Flash" the pi-star software onto the sd card. In the video this is done with Balena Etcher. Click Here to Download Balena Etcher. You can also use Raspberry Pi Imager. The demonstrator also used the wifi builder. Click Here for WiFi Builder. Personally, I have never had to use this because I inputted the wifi information during the configuration process.. To each thier own..Actually, I have 4 Wifi SSIDs/Passwords entered.. 1)portable hotspot, 2) cell phone hotspot, Home Internet & Mother-in-Laws internet. I'm never without a signal. I recommend at least a 16GB SDCard. This leaves room for upgrades and speeds it up a little.

Download pi-star software, talkgroup lists and more here...

Obtain your DMR radio ID here..A must to get started with DMR radio.

The largest and popular dmr network. Login, goto selfcare and set your hotspot password. This password will be used in configuration of your hotspot.

Another popular and growing network. To use the network login and create your passwords just like BM.

Have Fun!